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How to Write a Scientific Article in One Week

Maastricht Summer School
Netherlands, Maastricht
Maastricht Summer School Netherlands, Bonnefantenstraat 2, 6211 KL Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tuition fee €699 one-time
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Course Description
This course is designed for students eager to learn the ins and outs of scientific article writing. Get exposed to a variety of tools and methods that will allow you to speed up your writing without compromising the quality of your work.
During the course, you will write an article about the drivers of energy consumption in the world. We will start from scratch and, by the end of the week, will have our first draft. The objective is to cover all the steps involved in writing a scientific paper. We will start by designing a workspace and getting familiar with essential tools. We will create our literature review, analyse our dataset, write the results of our study, and finish our draft with its conclusion, introduction, and abstract.
During the course of 5 days, you will learn how to work effectively and speed up your writing process. This course will help students who are preparing for their bachelor/master thesis and students who are aiming in the long term to apply for a PhD scholarship.

• Understand the structure and components of scientific articles.
• Conduct a literature review using a combination of tools.
• Create a conceptual model using Directed Acyclic Graphs.
• Analyse the results of your conceptual model applied to real-world data.
• Write a first draft of a scientific paper using proper writing and referencing.
• Prepare a conference-like presentation to get meaningful feedback on your work.

Teaching Methods
Lectures, Research, Work in subgroups

Assessment Methods
Assignment, Attendance

Course Coordinator
Mathis Mourey

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment