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Luxury Industry: Your Journey into Luxury Experience and Marketing

Maastricht Summer School
Netherlands, Maastricht
Maastricht Summer School Netherlands, Bonnefantenstraat 2, 6211 KL Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tuition fee €599 one-time
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Course Description
Despite the ongoing economic challenges and financial insecurities, the luxury market remains a segment of beauty and discern. Welcome to our exclusive Luxury Experience and Marketing course, where we explore what the luxury world is about and the art and science of promoting high-end brands and products. This course is designed for marketing enthusiasts, business professionals, and aspiring luxury brand managers who seek to master the intricacies of the elite market segment. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical case studies, participants will gain a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within the luxury sector. The course is structured in 3 weeks and will be based on market research principles by which the student will carry its own study and will present its main findings at the end of the course. Throughout the course, the students will experience luxury first hand, while acquiring plentiful of research skills. The course will offer real networking opportunities into luxury industry.

During this course you will:
• Grasp the distinctive characteristics of luxury brands
• Employ contemporary theories and principles in crafting strategies for luxury marketing and brand management
• Showcase the proficiency to assess marketing scenarios, pinpoint significant challenges, and propose effective solutions
• Cultivate problem-solving skills through practical instances, case studies, and real-world marketing dilemmas
• Engage in creative and critical thinking to devise inventive solutions.

Recommended Literature
• Sestino A. (2024), “The challenge of integrating “intelligent” technologies in luxury shopping contexts: The role of brand personality appeal and consumers’ status consumption orientation”, Vol. 76, p: 1-12, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
• Sharma P. et al. (2024), “Understanding consumer repurchase intentions towards luxury retail brands: Evidence from an emerging market”, Vol. 76, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
• Rather R.A. et al. (2024), “Unveiling the dynamics between consumer brand engagement, experience, and relationship quality towards luxury hotel brands: Moderating investigation of brand reputation”, Vol. 116, p: 1-13, International Journal of Hospitality Management.
• Boa W. (2024), “Virtual luxury in the metaverse: NFT-enabled value recreation in luxury brands”, Vol. 116, p: 1-13, International Journal of Research in Marketing.
• Reinhardt R. et al. (2023), “The high-end bias – A decision-maker preference for premium over economy innovations”, Long Range Planning.

Teaching Methods
Interactive Class, Lectures, Presentations, Research, Working Visits

Assessment Methods
Assignment, Attendance, Computer test, Portfolio, Presentation, Oral Exam, Final Paper,

Course Coordinator
Dr. Irene Burlacu de Paoli

Apply now! Maastricht Summer School 2024/25
Application deadline
23 May 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
23 Jun 2025
Apply now! Maastricht Summer School 2024/25
Application deadline
23 May 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
23 Jun 2025