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Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Maastricht Summer School
Netherlands, Maastricht
Maastricht Summer School Netherlands, Bonnefantenstraat 2, 6211 KL Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tuition fee €599 one-time
More information



Course Description
While there are many emerging perspectives on social innovation, most generally a social innovation can be understood as an intentional, positive, creative shift in systemic social-ecological patterns. Many social innovations have global ambitions, but even when pursued primarily at the local level, social innovations go beyond simply providing a needed service or remediation. They challenge and experiment with a given system’s underlying building blocks: its rules, policies, technologies, structures, beliefs, habits, values, etc. Social innovation can be pursued from any organisational platform, from businesses to not-for-profits to government agencies. Businesses and other types of organisations are increasingly being called upon to act as innovative agents of social benefit. This call is particularly strong in emerging markets.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Discuss social innovation and entrepreneurship theory;
• Evaluate and critique social innovation and entrepreneur practice, especially in the areas of organizational structure, product and service development, and finance;
• Describe the importance of thriving teams for social innovation to be successful;
• Understand how to craft a thought leadership strategy and build a communications toolkit to magnify ideas, motivate colleagues, deepen relationships, and align teams towards a shared vision.

Recommended Literature
• Economist Intelligence Unit (2016). Old Problems New Solutions: Measuring the Capacity for Social Innovation Across the World. London: Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd.
• Heeks, R., Amalia, M., Kintu, R., & Shah, S. (2013). Inclusive Innovation: Definition, Conceptualisation and Future Research Priorities. University of Manchester, Centre for Development Informatics Working Paper 53.
• Nicholls, A. & Emerson, J. (2015). Social Finance: Capitalizing Social Impact in Nicholls, A. Paton, R., Emerson, J. Social Finance. 1st ed. (2015). Oxford, Oxford University Press: 1 – 41.www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198703761.001.0001/acprof-9780198703761-chapter-1?rskey=Vf5ySu&result=5
• Camilleri, T., Rockey, S. & Dunbar, R. (2024). The social brain: The psychology of successful groups. Penguin.
• Kets de Vries, M.F.R. (2025). Storytelling for leaders: Tales of sorrow and love. Routledge.

Teaching Methods
Interactive Class, PBL Tutorials, Lectures, Presentation

Assessment Methods
Assignment, Attendance, Presentation

Course Coordinator
Nicola Weaver, Samantha Rockey and Dr Solange Rosa

Apply now! Maastricht Summer School 2024/25
Application deadline
27 Jun 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
28 Jul 2025
Apply now! Maastricht Summer School 2024/25
Application deadline
27 Jun 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
28 Jul 2025