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Valuation: How to Calculate the Price of a Share Traded on Stock Markets

Maastricht Summer School
Netherlands, Maastricht
Maastricht Summer School Netherlands, Bonnefantenstraat 2, 6211 KL Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tuition fee €549 one-time
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Course Description
The price of a stock is available on the internet (www.finance.yahoo.com). The prices keep changing constantly. However, how do investors know if the price of the share is overvalued or undervalued? This module will teach us how to determine the expected value (price) of a share, applying fundamental analysis. In this course, we aim to integrate all corporate finance concepts, theories, metrics, and models into specific valuation exercises that will help students make sense of all the finance-related topics normally covered in standard business education. This module is case-based, and the valuation method will be demonstrated using real-life cases—corporations like Google, Tesla, Microsoft, Netflix, Walmart, etc. Students will need to, in parallel with the class, conduct their own valuation of a listed company. At the end of the module, students will have the fundamental skills that financial analysts apply daily in their jobs.

• Independently collect (download) and analyse data of a corporation.
• Estimate the cost of equity, cost of debt, and weighted average cost of capital.
• Independently identify, define, compute, and forecast Cash Flows of a corporation.
• Choose and apply appropriate valuation techniques to real-life projects (shares of a corporation).
• Communicate complex financial data to a non-expert audience in a simple, ethical, and meaningful way to win the approval of higher-up decision-makers.

Recommended Literature
No mandatory books are required (materials will be provided). However, interested candidates may use the following textbook:
Measuring and managing the value of companies, Tim Koller, Marc Goedhart, David Wessels, McKinsey & Company, 7th (2020), 978-1119610885

Teaching Methods
Assignments, Lectures, PBL, Presentations, Work in subgroups

Assessment methods
Assignment, Participation, Presentation

Course Coordinator
Dr. Golam Robbani

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment