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Competition and Regulation in the Digital Platforms

Maastricht Summer School
Netherlands, Maastricht
Maastricht Summer School Netherlands, Bonnefantenstraat 2, 6211 KL Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tuition fee €699 one-time
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Course Description
This course addresses the interplay between competition and regulation in the digital markets. The challenge of measuring market power and competition in digital markets has key policy implications. This course offers a comparative and inter-disciplinary perspective on regulating the platform economy. In sessions 1 & 2, we discuss basic inter-disciplinary principles of economics and corporate strategy that guide our discussion on the legislative measures in digital markets. In sessions 3-6, we discuss the most recent legislative solutions in the European Union, namely, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and briefly discuss its interplay with Digital Services Act and the Data Act. We discuss the criteria for classification under the DMA, the list and obligations of recently qualified gatekeepers, and the current/pending appeals on the classification of TikTok and Meta as gatekeepers. Sessions 7-9 shall respectively offer a comparative perspective from the US, Asia and Latin American scholars (by visiting scholars, online, or in-person, as possible). Session10: Q&A and Participants shall make class presentation.

By the end of the course, students are expected to have:
• A comprehensive overview on regulating digital platforms, and how it related to competition and regulation in generative AI;
• A comparative overview regulatory measures in the EU, US, Asia (India and China) and Latin America.

Recommended Literature
• Promoting Competition in Innovation Through Merger Control in the ICT Sector A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Studylink.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-662-58784-3 2.
• Digital Platforms, Competition Law, and Regulation Comparative Perspectiveswww.bloomsbury.com/us/digital-platforms-competition-law-and-regulation-9781509969388/

Teaching Methods
Interactive Class, Lectures, PBL Tutorials, Presentations, Research, Working Visits

Assessment Methods
Oral Exam, Portfolio, Participation, Take Home Exam

Course Coordinators
Kalpana Tyagi

Apply now! Maastricht Summer School 2024/25
Application deadline
11 Jul 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
11 Aug 2025
Apply now! Maastricht Summer School 2024/25
Application deadline
11 Jul 2025, 23:59:59
Central European Time
Studies commence
11 Aug 2025