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Personal Leadership in Times of Artificial Intelligence and Disruptive Technologies

Maastricht Summer School
Netherlands, Maastricht
Maastricht Summer School Netherlands, Bonnefantenstraat 2, 6211 KL Maastricht, The Netherlands
Tuition fee €1,199 one-time
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Course Description
This Summer Course is a two-week 4 ECT program focusing on adding a personal dimension to the participants’ knowledge acquired in their 3rd year bachelor curriculum.
This Summer Course opts to go beyond mere textbook knowledge. The focus lies more on recent insights, in-depth understanding, and practical application.

Topics in Week 1 – Leadership, Personal Leadership:
• Leadership vs management
• Employees vs followers
• Cross-cultural leadership
• On ethics, on integrity, on trust
• Personal leadership influenced by AI

Topics in Week 2 – Times of Disruption:
• Origin of disruptive technologies
• Impact of disruptive technologies on society, on organizations
• Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, on the work floor
• Alignment between man and machine
• Lifelong learning or universal basic income
• Leading in times of disruption

Depending on the number of participants, the sequence of topics can vary.

• Define a thorough understanding of the growing need for personal leadership in times of disruption: artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning.
• Provide conceptual and practical frameworks for successfully managing people and teams in times of disruption.
• Identify new developments, such as AI, in the field of managing and aligning people.
• Develop the necessary insights and skills for managers and leaders to operate successfully in a rapidly developing environment.
• Develop plans and ideas for both personal development and the development of organizations.

Recommended Literature
1. True North: Emerging Leader Edition; George, B. (2022); John Wiley & Sons Inc; ISBN-10: 1119886104
2. Essay The Turing Trap: The Promise & Peril of Human-Like Artificial Intelligence; Brynjolfsson, E. (2022); Daedalus Spring Issue
3. The Coming Wave: Suleyman, M., Bashkar, M. (2023); Crown; ISBN-13 978-0593728178

Furthermore, a variety of articles regarding the content of the course as well as websites such as HBR.org, Singularity Hub, Futurism.com., ScienceMag.org

Teaching Methods
Lectures, Presentations, Assignments, Skills, Work in subgroups.

Assessment Methods
Attendance, Participation, Observation, Assignment, Presentation, Peer review.

Course Coordinators
Willem Scheepers

You can find more information about the course on the custom chatbots from OpenAI’s ChatGPT: chat.openai.com/g/g-ozjeMpFu2-personal-leadership-as-the-gamechanger-for-ai

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment